Category Archives for "Theology"

#TrustedForTruth? — An Open Plea To Dr. Al Mohler

Dr. Albert Mohler has been one of the most trusted men in the conservative evangelical world for decades. Much of that is due to his role in the latter stages of the conservative resurgence, in which he is rightly credited with bringing Southern Seminary back from the depths of theological liberalism. 

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Racial Equivocation & Serpentine Shepherds

Before getting into the racial equivocations, I need to say something about what is meant by “serpentine shepherds.” I don’t necessarily mean apostate shepherds, though that possibility is not ruled out. I simply mean shepherds who have begun behaving like the enemy (whatever the underlying cause might be). Genuine Christians, and even genuine Christian teachers, […]

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Cultural Marxism in The Church: Menace or Myth?

In a recent interview with The Gospel Coalition, Michael Haykin, professor of History and Biblical Studies at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, mocked the concerns many have about Marxist ideology seeping into the Church through so-called “social justice” issues: “What about the charge that some evangelicals’ emphasis on social justice reveals them to be a […]

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How I Got from Alpha to Omega—A Rundown on this Month’s Presuppositionalism Discussions

In light of the current “Progressive” assault on the rule of law and all on standards of decency and the Church’s surprising susceptibility to the contemporary “social justice” phenomenon, Jacob Brunton suggested we should ask: “What popular teachings insist that it is permissible—or even necessary—for Christians to jump to unwarranted conclusions, and to only utilize reason […]

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The Content of Social Justice: A Reply to Joe Carter

  Joe Carter’s recent article on social justice encourages Christians “not to shrink from the term nor to allow the secular world to distort its biblical meaning.” He notes throughout the article that the term need not carry the politically progressive and liberal connotations for which it has recently gone viral; that it simply refers […]

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Before Rethinking Hell, Rethink the Worthiness of God

There’s a conference going on in my area this weekend. It’s called “Rethinking Hell,” and as you’d likely guess from the title, the point of the conference is to call into question the “traditional” view of hell as eternal conscious torment. The view which this conference suggests instead is often called annihilationism—the view that hell […]

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What Is “Knowledge” in Romans 1?

When it comes to a Christian view of philosophy––and especially a Christian view of epistemology––the primary battle ground is Romans 1. In that chapter, Paul talks about “what can be known” about God apart from Scripture. This knowledge of God apart from Scripture, Paul explains, comes “through the things that have been made.” In other […]

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General Revelation—Do You Understand It?

This post was a collaborative effort between Ben Williamson and Cody Libolt. When someone tells you what they did, that is special revelation. When you see what they did, that is general revelation. In any relationship, there will be some of both. But many Christian thinkers seem to overlook the special-general distinction when talking about […]

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