Category Archives for "Philosophy"

The New Athens Statement

There is a way for Christians to fix our broken society. Too few Christians have found it. The answer is: We must restore the life of the mind within Christianity. For that purpose, we are pleased to announce The New Athens Statement.

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The Fight Against Presuppositionalism: Why Does It Matter?

In the recent weeks, we’ve really amped up our opposition to presuppositional epistemology in the Church. We’ve even begun to see others (like Josh Sommer) begin to join the fight with helpful articles and videos. One of the questions we’re often asked is, “Why does this matter?” This is our attempt to give an answer.

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The Immovable Mover — An Argument for the Egoist God

This is the working first chapter of a book I intend to publish one day entitled, “The Galt-Like God.” This chapter is my somewhat polemical argument for the existence of God presented to and for the admirer of Ayn Rand’s philosophy. However, one need not be familiar with Rand’s work in order to understand and […]

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Objectivism & Theism — Part 1: Introduction

I’m a Christian who greatly admires the work of Ayn Rand. I do not, however, claim to be a Christian proponent of Rand’s whole philosophy (called Objectivism). I agree with Rand that Objectivism, as a philosophy, is necessarily atheistic.  I also think that her philosophy is wrong on that point—and wrong by her own standards […]

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A Woke Package-Deal

Yesterday I saw the above photo on Facebook, posted by some Christian Intellectual friends. They used this photo as proof that the terms “White Supremacy” and “Racism” are actually weapons being used by the Left to undermine the very foundations of Western Civilization.

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How I Got from Alpha to Omega—A Rundown on this Month’s Presuppositionalism Discussions

In light of the current “Progressive” assault on the rule of law and all on standards of decency and the Church’s surprising susceptibility to the contemporary “social justice” phenomenon, Jacob Brunton suggested we should ask: “What popular teachings insist that it is permissible—or even necessary—for Christians to jump to unwarranted conclusions, and to only utilize reason […]

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The Aquinas Option

It is held today that America has entered a “post-Christian culture.”  Theologically orthodox Christians are told that their vision of life and doctrine—a vision widely affirmed over two thousand years of Western history—no longer will be undergirded and promulgated by the increasingly secular social structures and cultural forces in our nation.  Therefore, the argument goes, […]

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Why Christians Should Reconsider Ayn Rand

Everyone loves to hate Ayn Rand—even, and sometimes especially, Christians. She’s the Left’s favorite bogeywoman, invoked as the dark goddess of capitalism—causing conservatives everywhere to run in terror, begging not to be associated with the “Guru of Greed.” Notice that Paul Ryan is still being pilloried for daring to appreciate Ayn Rand, even after distancing […]

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