Why Christians Should Reconsider Ayn Rand

Everyone loves to hate Ayn Rand—even, and sometimes especially, Christians. She’s the Left’s favorite bogeywoman, invoked as the dark goddess of capitalism—causing conservatives everywhere to run in terror, begging not to be associated with the “Guru of Greed.” Notice that Paul Ryan is still being pilloried for daring to appreciate Ayn Rand, even after distancing […]

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Before Rethinking Hell, Rethink the Worthiness of God

There’s a conference going on in my area this weekend. It’s called “Rethinking Hell,” and as you’d likely guess from the title, the point of the conference is to call into question the “traditional” view of hell as eternal conscious torment. The view which this conference suggests instead is often called annihilationism—the view that hell […]

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What Is “Knowledge” in Romans 1?

When it comes to a Christian view of philosophy––and especially a Christian view of epistemology––the primary battle ground is Romans 1. In that chapter, Paul talks about “what can be known” about God apart from Scripture. This knowledge of God apart from Scripture, Paul explains, comes “through the things that have been made.” In other […]

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Ayn Rand and Christianity?

Many of our friends (Christian and non-Christian) have asked about the connection between our project and the work of the novelist-philosopher Ayn Rand. We do not shy away from admitting that we draw eagerly from her philosophy—much in the same way that the medieval scholastics drew heavily from non-Christian philosophers such as Aristotle. But, just […]

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General Revelation—Do You Understand It?

This post was a collaborative effort between Ben Williamson and Cody Libolt. When someone tells you what they did, that is special revelation. When you see what they did, that is general revelation. In any relationship, there will be some of both. But many Christian thinkers seem to overlook the special-general distinction when talking about […]

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Atlas Shrugged Essay (Third Place Winner!)

The following is the essay I submitted to the Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest, which won 3rd place. If you haven’t read the book, be warned: there are SPOILERS below.  Ragnar Danneskjöld says he loves that which has rarely been loved, namely, human ability. What do you think he means? How does his position relate to […]

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How Marxist Thinking Is Seeping into the Church

“Why is Socialism Being Promoted by Conservative Christian Outlets?” That’s the question Joe Carter, at his Acton Institute blog, asks about Andrew Strain’s recent article at First Things. In his piece, Strain claims that free markets are “as mythical as unicorns,” and concludes that government intervention in the market, on behalf of “the common good,” is the […]

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