Joe Biden is new to the game of playing up White Nationalism as an urgent national menace. Russell Moore is an old pro.
Continue reading“Privilege” and “inequality”—these two words can start a firestorm of discussion. Many pastors and evangelical leaders have latched onto the concepts and are preaching them with fervor. One would think the terminology ran through the pages of Scripture itself. I recently saw a church doing a series on “dismantling racism” for Lent, and one of […]
Continue readingThe “Progressive” movement within Christianity has a motto: “Did God really say…?” Any group that speaks in this way should not rightly be called progressive, nor Christian. The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is a prime example. A recent TGC video (see below) featured founders Timothy Keller and Don Carson asking what Paul meant by “I do […]
Continue readingChris Bolt at Conservative Resurgence Voices has written a critical piece against “discernment ministries” which has the appearance of applying to FTNCI, but in addition to his criticism being very misguided, it also contains a deep irony.
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