FTNCI 042: Why Christians Need Wartime Polemics (Pt. 1)

“Better is open rebuke than hidden love,” Says Proverbs 27. “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.” Christians need to make use of polemics—even wartime polemics.

Our goal at ChristianIntellectual.com is to edify people and to point people to the goodness of God. As we seek to equip the saints, there are times for building and times for tearing down.

Both activities are needed if the world is going to be filled with Christians who rightly understand the good character of God and who are skilled in moral reasoning and in discerning good from evil.

“Niceness as holiness” is a great deception of our time that is holding the door open for hundreds of other deceptions.

This is where the battle should take place.

We agree with something said by Chase Davis:

“If our supposedly biblical principles for discourse, tone, and the free exchange of ideas would eliminate the writing and speaking of the majority of thinkers, Christian and otherwise, from prior generations, then perhaps our principles are not as biblical as we think.”

The ability  to disagree in moral terms (and the moral and legal right to disagree) is foundational to all that the new Christian intellectuals need to accomplish in the world.

Therefore we need a robust argument for why arguing itself is called for in these times.

And not just any kind of arguing—wartime polemics.


In this Series:

Why Christians Need Wartime Polemics (Pt. 1)

Why Christians Need Wartime Polemics (Pt. 2)

Why Christians Need Wartime Polemics (Pt. 3)


Related Resources:

#TrustedForTruth? — An Open Plea To Dr. Al Mohler

Renouncing Disgraceful & Underhanded Ways—A Plea to Southern Seminary & Its Defenders

It’s Time to Start Naming & Dividing From Woke Pastors

How Great the Weight of Public Speech—A Call to Morally Charged Polemics

Principles Over Personalities—A Response to Conservative Resurgence Voices

FTNCI 024: Toward a Theology of Polemics

Wartime Polemics Facebook Page

Wartime Polemics Update List

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For the New Christian Intellectual is a free show created for Christian thinkers and communicators.

We focus on classical (and overlooked) Christian principles such as reason, rational self-interest, individualism, and individual rights.

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