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78 Verses for Understanding Holy Self-Interest in Christianity
Resources on Tone, Judgment, Divisiveness, and Unity
Americanism Book Study (October 23rd through December 18th 2021)
Objectivism Book Study (January 8th through August 27th 2022)
Podcast Episodes
FTNCI 001: Why We Need New Christian Intellectuals
FTNCI 003: Rediscovering Reason
FTNCI 007: Against Collectivism
FTNCI 008: In Defense of Individualism
FTNCI 009: Christianity and Western Civilization
FTNCI 010: Revelation and Responsibility
FTNCI 011: The Importance of Apologetics with Guest Nick Peters
FTNCI 012: Did Jesus Exist? with Guest Nick Peters
FTNCI 013: Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels and Acts with Guest Dr. Lydia McGrew
FTNCI 014: Exposing Russell Moore, Timothy Keller, and The Enemies Within the Church
FTNCI 015: Philosophy for the Christian Intellectual
FTNCI 016: Epistemology in the Christian Life, Ministry, and Worldview
FTNCI 017: Classical Epistemology for Christians – First Person Discernibility
FTNCI 018: War, Immigration and Walls + Division in the Church
FTNCI 019: Masculinity, Evasion, and the Incompetent Opposition to Social Justice
FTNCI 020: Apologetics, Philosophy, and Rational Christianity
FTNCI 021: What Socialism Does to Your Mind
FTNCI 022: What Is General Revelation? Why Does it Matter?
FTNCI 023: You Won’t Stop Marxism by Saying, “Just Focus on the Gospel.”
FTNCI 024: Toward a Theology of Polemics
FTNCI 025: Manhood Is a Mindset
FTNCI 026: The SIN of Voting Democrat
FTNCI 027: Is Moral Relativism Controlling Your Church?
FTNCI 028: Gun Rights & 1776 vs. the Christian Pansies
FTNCI 029: We Criticized John MacArthur and Tom Ascol. Here’s What We Learned.
FTNCI 030: Presuppositional Apologetics vs. Common Sense and Logic
FTNCI 031: Does God Hate Sinners? What Is a Biblical, Christian Answer?
FTNCI 032: Against the Tradcons and Ethno-Nationalists
FTNCI 034: Epistemology Is the Heart of the Culture War: From G. Hegel to Ed Litton
FTNCI 036: A Right to Say No? Is It Moral to Refuse the Vaccine?
FTNCI 037: My Body, My Choice? The Cost of Pretend Arguments
FTNCI 038: Natural Theology and Philosophy Matter
FTNCI 039: Reformed Christians: Do What John MacArthur and James White Won’t
FTNCI 040: Natural Theology | Christian Philosophy Q&A
FTNCI 041: Theistic Arguments & Natural Theology
FTNCI 042: Why Christians Need Wartime Polemics (Pt. 1)
FTNCI 043: Why Christians Need Wartime Polemics (Pt. 2)
FTNCI 044: Why Christians Need Wartime Polemics (Pt. 3)
FTNCI 045: The Rise and Triumph of Anti-Individualism
FTNCI 046: Do Mohler and Burk Really Believe Abortion Is Murder?
FTNCI 047: Christians CAN Win the Culture War
FTNCI 048: Social Media Strategy that Goes Beyond Owning the Libs
FTNCI 049: Why Christians Can Benefit from Ayn Rand
FTNCI 050: Americanism Book Study (1 of 9)
FTNCI 051: Americanism Book Study (2 of 9)
FTNCI 052: Americanism Book Study (3 of 9)
FTNCI 053: Americanism Book Study (4 of 9)
FTNCI 054: Americanism Book Study (5 of 9)
FTNCI 055: Americanism Book Study (6 of 9)
FTNCI 056: Americanism Book Study (7 of 9)
FTNCI 057: Americanism Book Study (8 of 9)
FTNCI 058: Americanism Book Study (9 of 9)
FTNCI 059: Objectivism Book Study (Week 01) – Axioms
FTNCI 060: Objectivism Book Study (Week 02) – Causality and Identity
FTNCI 061: Objectivism Book Study (Week 03) – Objective Metaphysics
FTNCI 062: Objectivism Book Study (Week 04) – Perception and Volition
FTNCI 063: Objectivism Book Study (Week 05) – Sensation and Consciousness
FTNCI 064: Objectivism Book Study (Week 06) – Perception and Focus
FTNCI 065: Objectivism Book Study (Week 07) – Volition
FTNCI 066: Objectivism Book Study (Week 08) – Concept Formation
FTNCI 067: Objectivism Book Study (Week 09) – Measurement Omission
FTNCI 068: Objectivism Book Study (Week 10) – Definitions
FTNCI 069: Objectivism Book Study (Week 11) — Objectivity
FTNCI 070: Objectivism Book Study (Week 12) — Context
FTNCI 070B: Objectivism Book Study (Week 12B) — Similarity
FTNCI 071: Objectivism Book Study (Week 13) — Hierarchy
FTNCI 071B: Objectivism Book Study (Week 13B) — Essences and Universals
FTNCI 072: Objectivism Book Study (Week 14) — Objective Epistemology
FTNCI 073: Objectivism Book Study (Week 15) — Reason and Emotion
FTNCI 074: Objectivism Book Study (Week 16) — Reason vs the Alternatives
FTNCI 075: Objectivism Book Study (Week 17) — Certainty and Context
FTNCI 076: Objectivism Book Study (Week 18) — Nature of Man
FTNCI 077: Objectivism Book Study (Week 19) — The Reasoning Individual
FTNCI 078: Objectivism Book Study (Week 20) — Life and Value
FTNCI 079: Objectivism Book Study (Week 21) — Value and Virtue
FTNCI 080: Objectivism Book Study (Week 22) — Objective Morality
FTNCI 081: Objectivism Book Study (Week 23) — Independence
FTNCI 082: Objectivism Book Study (Week 24) — Integrity and Honesty
FTNCI 083: Objectivism Book Study (Week 25) — Justice and Productiveness
FTNCI 084: Objectivism Book Study (Week 26) — Pride
FTNCI 085: Objectivism Book Study (Week 27) — Trader Principle and Force
FTNCI 086: Objectivism Book Study (Week 28) — Happiness
FTNCI 087: Objectivism Book Study (Week 29) — Individual Rights
FTNCI 088: Objectivism Book Study (Week 30) — Good and Bad Government
FTNCI 089: Objectivism Book Study (Week 31) — Capitalism as Moral
FTNCI 090: Objectivism Book Study (Week 32) — Capitalism as Objective
FTNCI 091: Objectivism Book Study (Week 33) — The Role of Art
Coming Soon…
FTNCI 092: Objectivism Book Study (Week 34) — Objective Esthetics
FTNCI 093: Objectivism Book Study (Week 35) — How Ideas Move History
Featured Articles
The New Christian Intellectual
Why We Need New Christian Intellectuals
Why Christians Should Repudiate Chambers’ “Review” of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged
Venezuela: Why We Must “Assign Blame”
Russell Moore Says Rights Are Never Absolute
Yes, Rights Are Always Absolute
The Unicorn Logic Against Free Markets—A Response to Andrew Strain at First Things
How Marxist Thinking Is Seeping Into the Church
Atlas Shrugged Essay (Third Place Winner!)
General Revelation—Do You Understand It?
What is “Knowledge” in Romans 1?
Before Rethinking Hell, Rethink The Worthiness of God
What Does Justice Require? — On Racial Reconciliation
The Theological Problem With Tim Keller’s So-Called Social Justice
Why Christians Should Reconsider Ayn Rand
Teaching Is Fundamentally an Invitation to Love
The Content of Social Justice: A Reply to Joe Carter
True Justice: Who Owns What—And To Whom Is What Owed?
How I Got From Alpha to Omega – A Rundown on this Month’s Presuppositionalism Discussions
Misplaced Idealism: Looking for Inspiration in the Wrong Place
It’s People They Want to Fetter: On The Immorality of the Anti-Capitalist Conservatives
How to Know If You Are a Presuppositionalist or a Classicalist
A Failing Movement—John MacArthur on Social Justice
7 Theses on Social Justice: Clear Definitions of Justice & Racism
Cultural Marxism in The Church: Menace or Myth?
Racial Equivocation & Serpentine Shepherds
The Dangers of Loose Language on Racism – A Response to Piper on Structural Racism
O Foolish Americans—On Fighting the Bewitching Power of Sentiment
#TrustedForTruth? — An Open Plea To Dr. Al Mohler
Objectivism & Theism — Part 1: Introduction
Objectivism & Theism — Part 2: The Anti-Theistic Argument from Supernature
Dear Conservatives: Biblicism Won’t Stop Social Justice
The Immovable Mover — An Argument for the Egoist God
The Fight Against Presuppositionalism: Why Does It Matter?
Unrealistic Predictions, COVID-19 Lockdown, Cost Lives
Renouncing Disgraceful & Underhanded Ways—A Plea to Southern Seminary & Its Defenders
I Embraced Functional Gnosticism
A Culture is Only as Good as its Ideas
It’s Time to Start Naming & Dividing From Woke Pastors
How Great the Weight of Public Speech—A Call to Morally Charged Polemics
Yesterday, I Was Excommunicated.
Cutting Through The Obscurities on Justice — A Response to Tim Keller
Principles Over Personalities—A Response to Conservative Resurgence Voices
What Evangelical Christians Don’t Understand About Inequality and Privilege
Russell Moore and Joe Biden: Two Lifelong, Grandstanding Democrats
The Postmodernism of Traditionalism
Blood-Red Church: How Redemption Colors Our Politics (Foreword)
The Prideful Consequences of a Bad Idea
Classical Liberalism vs Christian Nationalism in the “Negative World”
Roger Williams, the Civil Magistrate, and the First Table of the Law
Beneath Sheep’s Clothing—Film Review
Blog Posts
Recommended Reading: Articles to Get Your Ideological Bearings
Make It Shine: 12 Checkpoints for your persuasive argument
The Plunder of the Egyptians: Recognizing the Wealth of Thinkers Past
Why Did the Disciples Have Faith in Jesus?
How Changing Your Thoughts On Money Can Change Your Life
Why Money Does Not Exist (Despite What’s In Your Wallet)
How Ugly Casinos Are Good For Cultural Transformation
Why Have Faith in Jesus? Is It Reason vs. Revelation?
Why Believe the Bible? Evidence.
3 Reasons Everyone Should Love Big Oil
The Artist is a Trader, Miss Taggart
Al Mohler Condemns Self-Interest in Voters
My Wife Loves Me Conditionally
Being a Christian Individualist
“Self” on Trial: A Look at Christian Motivation
7 Lessons on Values from The Fountainhead
What Is Christian Individualism?
The Importance of Reversing John Piper’s Maxim
“Religious Liberty” — A Different Take
Citizens United: I Know I’m Late to This Party, But Man Can I Dance
How To Stop Special Interest Once And For All
Egoism or Communism: Christians Must Choose
Does Rational Self-Interest Mean “Faith for Hire”?
Why Business SHOULD Be Allowed To Discriminate
Christianity and Government: An Interview with Joseph Knowles
Terrorists Don’t Kill People… Ideas Do
Something Evil from the Mouth of God?
How to Change Anybody — 9 Tips for Writers
There Is No Such Thing As “Gay Rights” (or “Black Rights” or “Women’s Rights”)
What Does Faith in Jesus Rest On?
Was Thomas’s Doubt Reasonable?
How Access To More Information Is Making Us Less Tolerant
What Getting Shellacked About Racism Taught Me About Politics
Make America Think Again: On Cultural and Christian Mindlessness
Selfish Love: With C.S. Lewis and Ayn Rand
Christianity, Humanism, and Civilization
The Holy Self-Interest of Jesus in the Garden
How Selfishness Is A Good Thing (And Biblical)
Christian Motivation: An Interview with Lydia Borengasser
To Enjoy God — By Glorifying Him Forever
The Siren’s Song: How Altruism Leads to Death
Ayn Rand on Christian Egoism: Part 1
Ayn Rand on Christian Egoism: Part 2
The Egoism of Christian Hedonism
What If Your Definitions of “Right” and “Wrong” Are Wrong?
3 Questions That Will Change Your Life
5 Lies That Are Crippling You (Without You Realizing It)
The Single Most Important Subject You Could Ever Study
Athens & Jerusalem: General and Specific Revelation
What You’re Forgetting When Your Faith Is Weak
Using the Bible to Prove the Bible?
Why Conservatives Lose The Moral Argument: A Response to Matt Walsh
You’re a Legalist If You Draw a Clear Moral Line?
The Atheising Tendency of Altruism
Rational Self-Interest and the Worship of God
What Did Jesus Mean By “Judge Not”?
The Key Philosophical Mistake Christians Make: The Arbitrary vs. the Objective
You Weren’t Very Persuasive Today
It’s Good To Be a Fighter, But This Is Even Better
The Root of America’s Inequality Problem
Do You Make This Mistake When Arguing?
Ethnic Diversity vs. Color-Blindness
The Winsome Gestapo: We Find Power in Bridling our OWN Tongues
Race vs. Culture & The New Non-Racial “Racism”
If Jesus Was a Socialist, He Would’ve Stayed in the Tomb
Are Conservative Christians Taking a Turn Toward Socialism?
10 Myths The Left Should Abandon: How to Bring Facts into the Conversation
Anti-Individualism in the Air: How do Christians and non-Christians evaluate individualism?
Christianity + Western Civilization
The Tone Police Have a New Favorite Weapon: Gospel Issue
How The Gospel Coalition is Killing The Gospel With “Social Justice”
Matthew 5:40–42 and the Charity Question
How to Give a Perfect Answer (And Four Dangerous Mistakes to Avoid)
Jonathan Leeman Errs on Political “Preferences” and Christian Unity
Rethinking Poverty and Charity — Better ways to help the poor and the least of these
Who Deserves the Benefit of the Doubt?
Concerns with the American Charter and Russell Moore’s Involvement
Confessions of A Christian Social Justice Warrior
Do You Think Our Criticism of Russell Moore and Timothy Keller Is Too General? Read This.
What premise makes this ghoulish behavior possible? Collectivism.
Why Couldn’t Sproul and Bahnsen Be Friends?
Beth Moore Pits Jesus Against Paul. Is This The Road To The First SBC Woman President?
Are Albert Mohler, Ligon Duncan, and Mark Dever Compromised?
Unclarity May Be Strategic for Al Mohler, But What the Church Needs Is Clear Truth.
Discernment is a Noble Thing, Phil Johnson
How To Deal with Christian Social Justice Warriors
Dever and Leeman Are Wrong — Christians Can Have No Fellowship with Democrats
You Look At Who I Platform—Sure Dr. Mohler
What If You Succeeded at Your Biggest Goal and Still Felt No Different?
Would Mark Dever Say Christians Can Vote for Democrats in Good Conscience?
What Can Anyone Do? How to Put a Stop to the Enemies Within the Church
Dinosaurs Prove My 4-Year Old Son Is a Functioning Classicalist
Did Ligon Duncan Mean to Endorse Sam Allberry’s Ideas on Same Sex Attraction?
ICYMI: Is Spock right? Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few?
ICYMI: Communications & Decency
ICYMI: What is Biblical Justice — Debate with Jacob Brunton and Brandon Watts Tejedor
ICYMI: What Has Athens to Do with Jerusalem?
ICYMI: Shepherd’s Conference 2019 Q&A – What Does a Good Shepherd Do?
ICYMI: Shepherd’s Conference Q&A – Behind the Scenes Discussion with Jacob Brunton and Cody Libolt
The Author of Your Favorite Children’s “Bible” Is a Heretic. And Your Pastor Didn’t Know.
The Jesus Storybook Bible Ignores Authorial Intent to Build Its Own Narrative
The Core Theme of the Jesus Storybook Bible is Wrong
Sam Allberry’s Desires Are Inherently Sinful
Nipsey Hussle Was Tragically Murdered—And Identity Politics Is Still Bad.
Make the Neo-Marxists Feel How Unjust They Are
Can a Christian Really Say Taxation Is Theft?
Pray for the wicked men at Gillette. But don’t be weak. Identify your enemy.
I got WOKE this morning with a WOKE question.
Whoever Relaxes One of the Least of These Commandments
You Have a Big Goal — But What Can You Do THIS Month?
Diverse Thoughts on the Burning of Notre-Dame
Why Do Conservative Christians Blindly Follow Big-Name Moderates and Liberals?
It’s not for fun that I share this junk.
I’m Having a Little Fun with the PhDs
Thoughts on “Earth Day” — The socialists are all for it. The end.
Christian friends — It’s time to start creating online content…
Do You Want a Weak Pastor and a Sick Church?
I denounce and repudiate white nationalism, white supremacy, and racism.
Why the Political Left Has to Abuse Language
Woe to you, when all people speak well of you.
Stop Redefining White Supremacy If You Want To Be Taken Seriously
You can’t make this stuff up — But Joe Carter can.
Writers Block? Try Frasier’s Dirty Little Secret
Hone In On Your Distinct Message
Ethos — How to Gain Credibility for Your Argument
Step Up Your Game — Quit Burying the Lede
The Art of Culture War through Marketing
How do you make sure your opportunities are always expanding?
How do you get your body and your mind to serve you optimally?
How do you overcome procrastination and create peace of mind?
How do you find out what people actually want YOU to create?
How do you build trust AND never run out of content ideas?
How do you speak in a way that people find easy and relatable?
How do you get people to pay attention?
How do I find my life mission, my message, and my audience?
How do you know which idea to write about today?
Invest in people now — that way they will still listen to you in ten or twenty years.
How do you give your content the best chance to fly?
It’s dangerous to call a person “Fool.”
The Rabbit Hole: 25 Crazy Things Happening to Our Gospel Comrades
Beth Moore, Do You Have Your Own Rule Book?
Discernment Bloggers Want to Expose and Destroy Things.
Cody Libolt is a Coward. (I have a troll account.)
Why Did Eric Metaxas Quit Russell Moore’s Evangelical Immigration Table?
The Southern Baptist Convention Did What?!
Dr. Danny Akin On the Theology of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, SEBTS, May 2019
The Aftermath of Black Lives Matter
Moore Baloney: Russell Moore Redefines True Complementarianism at SBC19
Jesus Said Wolves Are Coming. Do You Have a Plan?
How to Fight for Truth Without Being “Wise in Your Own Eyes”
5 Easy Ways to Keep Tabs on the So-Called Gospel Coalition
Russell Moore’s Pragmatic Critique of Socialism Does More Harm than Good
Please Do Not Dignify Thabiti’s Unmanly Non-Apology
Radical Leftist Terrorism and the Gospel
What Are the Differences Between Being Conservative, Republican, and Right-Wing?
How to Tell Your Pastor His Position on Masks Makes Him the Weaker Brother
Christian Social Justice Warriors: Your Illiteracy is Boundless
A Quarrelsome Person? Response to The Gospel Coalition
MARS, A Rational And Scientific Review of The National Geographic Series
One Simple Question for James White (IMPORTANT UPDATES)
Self-Driving Trucks, A Case For Automation
I Used An “All Gender” Bathroom, It Was Awful
Bombs Or Bibles? The Only Solutions To The Middle East
Trump, Vulture Capitalism, Gay Christianity, and the Porn Ban (ICYMI)
War, Immigration, and Walls + Division in the Church (ICYMI)
Masculinity, Evasion, and the Incompetent Opposition to Social Justice (ICYMI)
Why Is Presuppositionalism Mistaken?
Dear Dr. Frame: When Will the Presuppositionalists Clarify Their View?
Influencer Outreach: Weird Mistakes and What to Do Instead
No Presuppositionalist Is More than Half-Educated
Christian: You Must Learn to Distinguish Friend from Foe
We Are Not “In this Together.”
Friends, Allies, Neighbors, and Enemies
Can Christians Defy Lockdown Orders?
Reflect on This, and May the Lord Give You Understanding
How To Prevent A Post-Covid Economic Collapse
Continue Exposing the Downgrade at Southern Seminary
Albert Mohler Is a J. K. Rowling Villain
Apologetics, Philosophy, and Rational Christianity (ICYMI)
What Socialism Does to Your Mind (ICYMI)
How to Talk About Systemic Racism (Like an Adult)
“We just need to focus on the gospel.”
What is General Revelation? Why Does it Matter? (ICYMI)
You Won’t Stop Marxism by Saying, “Just Focus on the Gospel.” (ICYMI)
Toward a Theology of Polemics (ICYMI)
Can a Faithful Christian Vote for a Democrat? Jonathan Leeman Thinks So.
How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics? (BOOK REVIEW)
Christians Against Marxism: Get Off the Sidelines
Reflections On God And The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind
Cultural Marxists are Obsessed with Power. Here’s the Alternative.
Arguing with Atheists: Yea or Nay?
Contrasting Race & Culture, Individualism & Collectivism (ICYMI)
How Tim Keller Gets Justice and Voting Wrong (ICYMI)
FTNCI’s Quick Guide to the Social Justice Controversy
The Woke Religionists Are All Wrong on Individual Rights
The SIN of Voting Democrat (ICYMI)
Is Moral Relativism Controlling Your Church? (ICYMI)
Gun Rights & 1776 vs. the Christian Pansies (ICYMI)
We Criticized John MacArthur and Tom Ascol — Here’s What We Learned. (ICYMI)
Presuppositional Apologetics vs. Common Sense and Logic (ICYMI)
Christian Pride — Made In God’s Image
Be a Man. Fight TODAY’S Battles
Does God Hate Sinners? What Is a Biblical, Christian Answer? (ICYMI)
Against the Tradcons and Ethno-Nationalists (ICYMI)
Pastors Emasculated: How David Platt’s “Death to Self” Makes Men Too Weak to Fight Socialism (ICYMI)
Epistemology Is the Heart of the Culture War: From G. Hegel to Ed Litton (ICYMI)
Can American Society Be Reformed?
No, Gun-Grabbers and Pacifists Are Not “Loving Like Jesus”
Under Collectivism, You Find the Social Metaphysic
A Right to Say No? Is It Moral to Refuse the Vaccine? (ICYMI)
Tell These Filthy Children What They Have Become: Sign the Petition to Impeach Joe Biden
My Body, My Choice? The Cost of Pretend Arguments (ICYMI)
Bart Barber Defends Ed Litton: “God Inspired Mark to Plagiarize Peter”
Natural Theology and Philosophy Matter (ICYMI)
Reformed Christians: Do What John MacArthur and James White Won’t (ICYMI)
Natural Theology | Christian Philosophy Q&A
James White Answers Jacob Brunton
Something Bad Happened, It Must Be Climate Change
Faith Is Key — But Most Christians Don’t Know What It Is
Guarding Against Nice Spirituality — The Angel
Pokémon And Genesis — A Welcome Connection
Christian Leaders: Moral Relativism Kills Your Credibility
Don’t surrender the point: Democrats are pro-death on EVERY major issue
Do We Need Government? What Limits Government?
Government Shall Not Take From the Mouth of Labor the Bread It Has Earned
Does Phil Vischer (VeggieTales) Actually Care About Injustice?
Tradition — The New Right, the Dissident Right, and Us.
Gossip Gang: Rosebrough, Johnson, and Peters Show Why Discernment Matters
Netflix, Wednesday Adams, And The Glorification of Violence Against Males
Black Little Mermaid – New Trailer, A Hopeful Skeptic’s Take
10 Points of Encouragement for the SJ Contras–From Dr. Mohler
Energy, The Real Currency of An Economy
An Appeal to William Wolfe and Yoram Hazony
Critiquing the “General Equity Theonomists”
No, You’re Not Really a Theonomist (If You Believe In Religious Liberty)
Why do you do the weird intermittent blocking thing?
A Skeptic’s Biggest Objection to Christianity
Gun Control and Gun Rights — A Rational Approach
The Monoparable of Jesus Christ
The Problem With “Woke” Fiction
The Global Conspiracy — And What You Can Actually Do
How DEI Hiring Policies Hurt Everyone
Looking to get your writing SEEN?
The Importance of Objectivity in Polemics: A Case Study Involving AD Robles
Ayn Rand’s Political Theory: A Reading List
Apologetics, Philosophy, and Rational Christianity
Debate: Presuppositionalism vs. Classicalism – Man’s Structure of Knowledge
Debate: What Has Athens to do with Jerusalem?
Debate: What Is Biblical Justice?
How I Got From Alpha to Omega – A Rundown on this Month’s Presuppositionalism Discussions (Video)
How to Know If You Are Presuppositionalist or a Classicalist
Why Bill Nye Is Not A Scientist – And Why It Matters
Social Justice and the Gospel – 01
Social Justice and the Gospel – Defining Terms – A Roundtable Discussion
Social Justice and the Gospel – How to Engage – A Roundtable Discussion
Jacob Brunton on Immigration & Individual Rights – Interview with Matt Travis
Shepherd’s Conference 2019 Q&A: What Does a Good Shepherd Do?
Shepherd’s Conference Q&A: Behind the Scenes Discussion with Jacob Brunton and Cody Libolt
Rethinking Poverty and Charity — Better Ways to Help the Poor and the Least of These
R.C. Sproul: The Inherent Logical Discrepancies Within the Presuppositional Apologetic
Shapiro vs. Brook: Reason, Religion, and Rational Self-Interest Part 1
Shapiro vs. Brook: Reason, Religion, and Rational Self-Interest Part 2
Shapiro vs. Brook: Reason, Religion, and Rational Self-Interest Part 3
Shapiro vs. Brook: Reason, Religion, and Rational Self-Interest Part 4
Moral Truths, Ayn Rand, and Christianity
Philosophy for the Christian Intellectual
Social Justice: Challenging Timothy Keller’s Generous Justice
Epistemology in the Christian Life, Ministry, and Worldview
Classical Epistemology for Christians – First Person Discernibility
Implications of Christian Egoism
The Necessity of Moral Judgment
The Unreason of Social Justice and Presuppositionalism (Q&A)
The Connection Between Presuppositionalism and Cultural Marxism
The Sin of Moderation: Why Trying to Be a Moderate in Morality and Politics Is Evil
Jonathan Edwards and Divine Egoism
Ideology Is Bad, Say Conservatives. But Why?
SJWs Will Keep Winning Until Christians Learn This
Exposing Russell Moore, Timothy Keller, and The Enemies Within The Church
Problems with Theonomy – Is It Theonomy vs. Religious Liberty?
Is Spock Right? Do the Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few?
Racism & Schism — Division of the Church due to redefinitions, ignorance, and apathy.
Captive Audience: A Parody of the Hurtful Rhetoric of The Witness
Big Eva & The Enemies Within the Church
SBC Affirms Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality? Why Is Race Becoming Such a Divisive Issue?
Philosophy and Theology: How Are they Different—and Related?
50 Years Since Apollo 11—But Why Do Liberals and Conservatives Hate Industrial Progress?
“I am a racist” – Matthew Hall, Provost at Southern Seminary
SBC Professor Caught Pushing Liberation Theology
Jarvis Williams on “Whiteness” Pursuing Gospel Centered Racial Reconciliation
How To Use Your Emotions… So They Help You And Make Your Life Better
Capitalism: The Answer To Social Justice
Debate on Libertarian Free Will – Jacob Brunton vs Kyle Alander
Four Horsemen of the Tonepocalypse
So You Want To Fight Against Cultural Marxism?
War, Immigration, and Walls + Division in the Church
Trump, Vulture Capitalism, Gay Christianity, and the Porn Ban
Masculinity, Evasion, and the Incompetent Opposition to Social Justice
Christian: You Must Learn to Distinguish Friend from Foe
What Socialism Does to Your Mind
What is General Revelation? Why Does it Matter?
You Won’t Stop Marxism by Saying, “Just Focus on the Gospel.”
Tucker Carlson is Wrong on Morality of Capitalism
How Tim Keller Gets Justice and Voting Wrong
Contrasting Race & Culture, Individualism & Collectivism
Evangelicals Embrace Systemic Racism Lie
Is Moral Relativism Controlling Your Church?
Gun Rights & 1776 vs. the Christian Pansies
We Criticized John MacArthur and Tom Ascol. Here’s What We Learned.
Presuppositional Apologetics vs. Common Sense and Logic | Part 1
Presuppositional Apologetics vs. Common Sense and Logic | Part 2
Does God Hate Sinners? What Is a Biblical, Christian Answer?
Against the Tradcons and Ethno-Nationalists
Pastors Emasculated: How David Platt’s “Death to Self” Makes Men Too Weak to Fight Socialism
Epistemology Is the Heart of the Culture War: From G. Hegel to Ed Litton
American Reformer Sells Out Inalienable Rights, Repackages Timothy Keller
A Right to Say No? Is It Moral to Refuse the Vaccine?
My Body, My Choice? The Cost of Pretend Arguments
Natural Theology and Philosophy Matter
Reformed Christians: Do What John MacArthur and James White Won’t
Natural Theology | Christian Philosophy Q&A
Theistic Arguments & Natural Theology
Why Christians Need Wartime Polemics (Pt. 1)
Why Christians Need Wartime Polemics (Pt. 2)
Why Christians Need Wartime Polemics (Pt. 3)
The Rise and Triumph of Anti-Individualism
Do Mohler and Burk Really Believe Abortion Is Murder?
Christians CAN Win the Culture War
Social Media Strategy that Goes Beyond Owning the Libs
Why Christians Can Benefit from Ayn Rand
Objectivism Book Study (Week 01) – Axioms
Objectivism Book Study (Week 02) – Causality and Identity
Objectivism Book Study (Week 03) – Objective Metaphysics
Objectivism Book Study (Week 04) – Perception and Volition
Objectivism Book Study (Week 05) – Sensation and Consciousness
Objectivism Book Study (Week 06) – Perception and Focus
Objectivism Book Study (Week 07) – Volition
Objectivism Book Study (Week 08) – Concept Formation
Objectivism Book Study (Week 09) – Measurement Omission
Objectivism Book Study (Week 10) – Definitions
Objectivism Book Study (Week 11) — Objectivity
Objectivism Book Study (Week 12) — Context
Objectivism Book Study (Week 12B) — Similarity
Objectivism Book Study (Week 13) — Hierarchy
Objectivism Book Study (Week 13B) — Essences and Universals
Objectivism Book Study (Week 14) — Objective Epistemology
Objectivism Book Study (Week 15) — Reason and Emotion
Objectivism Book Study (Week 16) — Reason vs the Alternatives
Objectivism Book Study (Week 17) — Certainty and Context
Objectivism Book Study (Week 18) — Nature of Man
Objectivism Book Study (Week 19) — The Reasoning Individual
Objectivism Book Study (Week 20) — Life and Value
Objectivism Book Study (Week 21) — Value and Virtue
Objectivism Book Study (Week 22) — Objective Morality
Objectivism Book Study (Week 23) — Independence
Objectivism Book Study (Week 24) — Integrity and Honesty
Objectivism Book Study (Week 25) — Justice and Productiveness
Objectivism Book Study (Week 26) — Pride
Objectivism Book Study (Week 27) — Trader Principle and Force
Objectivism Book Study (Week 28) — Happiness
Objectivism Book Study (Week 29) — Individual Rights
Objectivism Book Study (Week 30) — Good and Bad Government
Objectivism Book Study (Week 31) — Capitalism as Moral
Objectivism Book Study (Week 32) — Capitalism as Objective
Objectivism Book Study (Week 33) — The Role of Art
Coming Soon…
Objectivism Book Study (Week 34) — Objective Esthetics
Objectivism Book Study (Week 35) — How Ideas Move History
Critiquing the “General Equity” Theonomists
Preaching One Verse Each Week?
An Appeal to William Wolfe and Yoram Hazony
Short Summary: What Does the Bible Teach About Expansive Governments and Taxes?
Blood-Red Church (You Need This Book)
Andrew Sandlin is right: We need more liberals
Q: Do you oppose race realism?
Dear AD Robles: Here are 7 Cheap Tactics Christian Nationalists Should Avoid, Your Friend, Cody
Election 2022 Winner – Government Schools
Cultural Marxists are Obsessed with Power. Here’s the Alternative.
Are there ways that Stephen Wolfe is right?
“For the New Christian Intellectual?”
“Humble, Self-Effacing, and Proud of It”
Teach us to number our days. Aim for honesty.
“Pastors must not be politically partisan!”
Was the “conservative” turn toward statism really unpredicted?
The Regime, The Cathedral, and Big Eva
Get GREAT at talking about politics?
What’s WRONG with racism? (How would you answer…)
Society is in decline, therefore give the state more powers? (How would you answer…)
Should you be a Dominionist? (How would you answer…)
New Founding claims Ancient Egypt as Inspiration
The rise of post-liberal thought? (How would you answer..)
Disappointed on your life progress? (How would you answer…)
Barbarians vs. Rights Respecters
Did Jesus teach self-denial for its own sake? (How would you answer…)
What is the limit of government? (How would you answer…)
Is Social Justice Merely “Off Mission”?
Should you argue on social media? (How would you answer…)
The Lord will judge his people.
Why I block so much.. (Psalm 26:4-5)
Please stop using “Sola Scriptura” this way…
Imprecatory Prayers? (How would you answer…)
Self-sacrifice is not an end in itself…
Should you CARE what others think? (How would you answer…)
Michael Foster is right. (Why we post hot takes…)
Is Social Justice “Off Mission”?
My long record of failing to persuade people (and what to do…)
What is really going on between William Wolfe and me?
How Andrew Torba Twists the Great Commission
Yes or No? Do You Feed the Trolls?
The Lord will judge each person.
How Do Calvinists Understand the Warnings Against Falling Away?
Why we fight SO much… (culture war, winning, being a man of peace)
Masculine Theology? (How would you answer…)
Lacking motivation? This works.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water
Brotherly Reply to AD Robles (Christian Nationalism / Classical Liberalism)
What I’ve been up to and why it works
Discerning Stephen Wolfe – A Two Year Reflection
Discover Your Two MOST Important Gifts
Christian Man: You Cannot Go It Alone
The Mental Shift: How Christians Can Transform the World
Productivity Concept: Massive Action vs. Incremental Action
Reclaiming the West (One Man at a Time)
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